jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

My profile

My profile

My name is alex

I am 13 years old

My birthday is in June

I live in Javea

I study at Mª Immaculada school

I am big and happy

I have got friends

I haven't got simple friends

I usually play football

I never play basket

I don't like beer

I love riding

My favourite food is potato

I can jump

I hate jumpping

7 comentarios:

  1. Hello Alex:)
    How are you ?
    I like very much your profile :)
    Bye :D

  2. jajaja !
    Hello Alex Peiró Espasa.
    I now your name Aelx :)
    Thanks :)

  3. Your profile is very beautiful Alex! Are you going to do a biography of Melendi? Melendi is fantastic!

  4. you profile is beautiful
    la biografia de melendy es fantastica
    igual que el my profile

  5. the biography is pretty, but the next time you do not copy my
